Case Studies

All Case Studies

Fire Records Reconciliation and Validation

Clear Path Utility Solutions was retained by a major investor-owned utility to reconcile and validate work records related to twenty tree wildfires that occurred in 2020. Work scope was to reconcile all records associated with restoration activities and fire footprints and validate for completeness, accuracy, and integrity.

Work Performance Verification Audit – Auditing the Auditors

Clear Path Utility Solutions was retained by a major investor-owned utility to validate work performance in critical high-fire threat areas for conformance with utility specifications and regulatory requirements.

Union Dispute

Government Services
A dispute ensued between a trade union and a breakaway union faction, in which each accused the other of breaking union laws and potentially destroying data.

Tobacco Producers Settlement 

Government Services
Celerity assisted several State Attorneys General Offices (AGOs) in proving their diligence in meeting the terms of a 1998 landmark multi-billion-dollar settlement agreement with several tobacco producers.

Large Civil Litigation

Government Services
Large Civil Litigation In the wake of a significant, industry-changing incident, our utility client faced large, impending civil litigation and needed scalable discovery assistance immediately.  …

Affidavit on eDiscovery Approach for Hamp Litigation

Government Services
Affidavit on eDiscovery Approach for Hamp Litigation When Celerity’s law firm client sued a large bank on behalf of homeowners for violating federal mortgage regulations, …

Operator Qualifications Analysis

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Operator Qualifications Analysis Celerity’s client, a large East-coast public utility, was ordered by regulators to report on the extent to which its employees and contractors …

Pipeline MAOP Verification Support

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Pipeline MAOP Verification Support Celerity helped support a client with verifying the maximum operating pressure on record for its gas pipeline.  Strategy for MAOP Document …

Pipeline Leak Survey Information Management

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Pipeline Leak Survey Information Management Celerity’s client performed an accelerated leak survey on hundreds of miles of their gas transmission system and asked Celerity to …

Plastic Fusion Remediation

Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Plastic Fusion Remediation After a significant incident, one of the largest Northeast utilities was ordered to evaluate their plastic fusion projects across their service territory …

Regulator Data Collection

Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Regulator Data Collection At the request of Field Operations for a mid-size utility, Celerity tailored the VeriLine platform to support materials traceability requirements in the …

Data Pipeline Markers Inspection

Business Integration Consulting, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Data Pipeline Markers Inspection A major utility on the West coast was reviewing its gas pipeline markers to assess and repair marker damage. It needed …

Rate Case Support

Data Quality Management, Regulatory Legal Response
Rate Case Support As required by state code, our client was to submit a rate case that typically covers three to five years, justifying requested …

Opioid Prescription Monitoring Plan (PMP) Data Analysis

Opioid Prescription Monitoring Plan (PMP) Data Analysis In addition to the opioid Medicaid data analyses, Celerity has also performed significant analyses related to a state’s …

Medicaid Data Manipulation and Analysis

Medicaid Data Manipulation and Analysis As part of a state’s lawsuit against certain opioid manufacturers and distributors, Celerity performed a number of analyses on the …

State Employee Benefit Claim

eDiscovery, Government Services
Celerity’s client, a state agency, was accused of not providing health care benefits to all state employees that were entitled to such benefits and retained Celerity to assist.

PCB Contamination Cost Recovery

eDiscovery, Relativity
PCB Contamination Cost Recovery Celerity assisted outside Plaintiff’s counsel in all aspects of discovery related to an environmental recovery over a company’s manufacturing, marketing, and …

Stations MAOP Verification Support

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity, VeriLine
Stations MAOP Verification Support Celerity was retained to assist a major natural gas pipeline operator with MAOP verification for approximately 65 gas transmission regulator stations …

Executory Contracts Analysis

Executory Contracts Analysis Celerity provided significant assistance to a client undergoing Chapter 11 bankruptcy by helping them resolve thousands of outstanding executory contracts and unexpired …

Analytical Support for Tobacco Producers Settlement

Analytical Support for Tobacco Producers Settlement In 1998 several tobacco producers entered into landmark, multi-billion dollar settlement agreements with several states that set penalties to …

Pharmaceutical Trade Secret Lawsuit

Pharmaceutical Trade Secret Lawsuit Celerity’s client was sued for allegations concerning trade secret infringement. Celerity performed discovery collections in three phases at numerous offices across …

DOJ Indictment

eDiscovery, Expert Witness
DOJ Indictment Celerity supported an electronics manufacturer and individual defendants within the company who were indicted by the United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) as …

Claims Billing Support for Fortune 500 Company

Claims Billing Support for Fortune 500 Company Celerity worked with the General Counsel of a Fortune 500 company and the company’s accounting department to design …

Employee Missed Meal Periods Claim

Employee Missed Meal Periods Claim Celerity was retained to analyze the potential claims related to missed meal periods for many of a client’s employees. Time …

Labor Law Violation Analysis

Labor Law Violation Analysis As part of our work related to a class-action employment matter concerning thousands of California farm workers, Celerity developed a process …

Exempt Status Classification

Exempt Status Classification A group of employees claimed that they were improperly classified as “exempt” employees under labor laws and sought to recover unpaid overtime …

Employee Forensic Evidence Collection

Employee Forensic Evidence Collection Due to a reduction in force, our client, a Fortune 500 web search and content provider, needed forensic collections and imaging …

Construction Firm Bankruptcy Suit

Construction Firm Bankruptcy Suit Celerity assisted outside counsel with defending claims against an insurance company brought by subcontractors to a small construction firm policyholder which …

Pharmaceutical Average Wholesale Price Suit

Pharmaceutical Average Wholesale Price Suit Celerity, a consulting firm specializing in eDiscovery services, worked with a pharmaceutical client facing a legal challenge. The client was …

Quality Control Review of Gas Transmission and Distribution Records

Data Quality Management, Records Compliance
Celerity assisted a Gas Transmission and Distribution client with verifying the completeness and accuracy of certain maintenance documentation that had been migrated to SAP.

Streamlining Utility Data: A Case Study in Dig Records Audit for General Rate Case Hearing

Data Quality Management, Records Compliance
Streamlining Utility Data: A Case Study in Dig Records Audit for General Rate Case Hearing Celerity, a consulting firm, assisted a utility client in a …

Gas & Electric Utilities Case Studies

Operator Qualifications Analysis

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Operator Qualifications Analysis Celerity’s client, a large East-coast public utility, was ordered by regulators to report on the extent to which its employees and contractors …

Pipeline MAOP Verification Support

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Pipeline MAOP Verification Support Celerity helped support a client with verifying the maximum operating pressure on record for its gas pipeline.  Strategy for MAOP Document …

Pipeline Leak Survey Information Management

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity
Pipeline Leak Survey Information Management Celerity’s client performed an accelerated leak survey on hundreds of miles of their gas transmission system and asked Celerity to …

Plastic Fusion Remediation

Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Plastic Fusion Remediation After a significant incident, one of the largest Northeast utilities was ordered to evaluate their plastic fusion projects across their service territory …

Regulator Data Collection

Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Regulator Data Collection At the request of Field Operations for a mid-size utility, Celerity tailored the VeriLine platform to support materials traceability requirements in the …

Rate Case Support

Data Quality Management, Regulatory Legal Response
Rate Case Support As required by state code, our client was to submit a rate case that typically covers three to five years, justifying requested …

Stations MAOP Verification Support

Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity, VeriLine
Stations MAOP Verification Support Celerity was retained to assist a major natural gas pipeline operator with MAOP verification for approximately 65 gas transmission regulator stations …

Quality Control Review of Gas Transmission and Distribution Records

Data Quality Management, Records Compliance
Celerity assisted a Gas Transmission and Distribution client with verifying the completeness and accuracy of certain maintenance documentation that had been migrated to SAP.

Streamlining Utility Data: A Case Study in Dig Records Audit for General Rate Case Hearing

Data Quality Management, Records Compliance
Streamlining Utility Data: A Case Study in Dig Records Audit for General Rate Case Hearing Celerity, a consulting firm, assisted a utility client in a …
View all Gas + Electric Utilities Case Studies

Litigation Support Case Studies

Union Dispute

Government Services
A dispute ensued between a trade union and a breakaway union faction, in which each accused the other of breaking union laws and potentially destroying data.

Tobacco Producers Settlement 

Government Services
Celerity assisted several State Attorneys General Offices (AGOs) in proving their diligence in meeting the terms of a 1998 landmark multi-billion-dollar settlement agreement with several tobacco producers.

Large Civil Litigation

Government Services
Large Civil Litigation In the wake of a significant, industry-changing incident, our utility client faced large, impending civil litigation and needed scalable discovery assistance immediately.  …

Affidavit on eDiscovery Approach for Hamp Litigation

Government Services
Affidavit on eDiscovery Approach for Hamp Litigation When Celerity’s law firm client sued a large bank on behalf of homeowners for violating federal mortgage regulations, …

Data Pipeline Markers Inspection

Business Integration Consulting, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Data Pipeline Markers Inspection A major utility on the West coast was reviewing its gas pipeline markers to assess and repair marker damage. It needed …

Opioid Prescription Monitoring Plan (PMP) Data Analysis

Opioid Prescription Monitoring Plan (PMP) Data Analysis In addition to the opioid Medicaid data analyses, Celerity has also performed significant analyses related to a state’s …

Medicaid Data Manipulation and Analysis

Medicaid Data Manipulation and Analysis As part of a state’s lawsuit against certain opioid manufacturers and distributors, Celerity performed a number of analyses on the …

State Employee Benefit Claim

eDiscovery, Government Services
Celerity’s client, a state agency, was accused of not providing health care benefits to all state employees that were entitled to such benefits and retained Celerity to assist.

PCB Contamination Cost Recovery

eDiscovery, Relativity
PCB Contamination Cost Recovery Celerity assisted outside Plaintiff’s counsel in all aspects of discovery related to an environmental recovery over a company’s manufacturing, marketing, and …
View all Litigation Support Case Studies

Clear Path Vegetation Management Case Studies

Fire Records Reconciliation and Validation

Clear Path Utility Solutions was retained by a major investor-owned utility to reconcile and validate work records related to twenty tree wildfires that occurred in 2020. Work scope was to reconcile all records associated with restoration activities and fire footprints and validate for completeness, accuracy, and integrity.

Work Performance Verification Audit – Auditing the Auditors

Clear Path Utility Solutions was retained by a major investor-owned utility to validate work performance in critical high-fire threat areas for conformance with utility specifications and regulatory requirements.

About Celerity

Celerity is an agile risk optimization company that helps public utility organizations convert complex data into clear, actionable intelligence to mitigate risk, optimize assets, and maximize project results.

Want to learn more? Contact us below

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