Case StudiesGas and Electric Utilities Case Studies Data Quality ManagementField Data CollectionVeriLine

Regulator Data Collection

At the request of Field Operations for a mid-size utility, Celerity tailored the VeriLine platform to support materials traceability requirements in the collection of regulator information. 

Regulator Data Collection Strategy

Data collected included the make, model, size, vent condition, vent direction, and location of regulators across the gas company’s service territory. Application features incorporated into the workflow included work dispatch/assignment, field data entry, quality control, analytics and reporting. 

Results: Improved Workflow Efficiency & Digitization

Use of VeriLine improved the workflow efficiency, eliminated the use of paper forms, enhanced compliance with materials traceability requirements, and provided Field Operations with critical maintenance information and finger-tip reporting capability. 

About Celerity

Celerity is an agile risk optimization company that helps public utility organizations convert complex data into clear, actionable intelligence to mitigate risk, optimize assets, and maximize project results.

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