VeriLine™ Data Capture Platform

Improving data collection in the field.

VeriLine: The Data Capture Platform

VeriLine optimizes data capture in the field. The solution is comprised of a mobile application that incorporates user-friendly technologies, an online data management and reporting platform and a rapid development approach to tailor the solution to the needs of the business problem.


  • Deployable on both consumer and industrial hand-helds
  • Runs on Android, iOS and/or Windows operating systems
  • Customizable by line of business and role
  • Leverages the newest technology (e.g. GPS, barcode)
  • Real-time capture of current reference data (e.g., location, photo)
  • Real-time reference to historical data (e.g. previous installation or repair records) for context
  • Wireless/cellular connectivity to online reporting tool


  • Increased data quality
  • Faster and easier reporting on results
  • Decreased/avoided cost of future migration
  • Improved accessibility and sharing (e.g. department-to-department )
  • Customized for ease of use; aids quick adoption

VeriLine has been deployed on data collection efforts such as, leak investigation, regulator traceability and condition assessment, plastic fusion inspection, and damaged markers survey.

Strategic Benefits of Improving Data Capture

The benefits of improving data capture in the field should not be understated. Starting with installation of new assets, numerous fieldwork streams generate volumes of essential information. Ensuring accurate digital data at inception prevents poor data from entering the system and mitigates the downstream cost of fixing that data at a future point, a costly endeavor and a risky delay. In addition, new data is likely to be more necessary for reporting purposes than old data (even though historical data will often be relied upon as well). Digital data is more accessible than paper-based records. Finally, focusing on new data capture lends itself to a user-based, work-stream driven approach which helps ensure all data necessary for reporting and analysis is collected (migrating data without this perspective doesn’t always reveal what is missing).

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Veriline Data Capture Platform Interface

Case Studies Utilizing VeriLine Data Capture Platform

Plastic Fusion Remediation
Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Regulator Data Collection
Data Quality Management, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Data Pipeline Markers Inspection
Business Integration Consulting, Field Data Collection, VeriLine
Stations MAOP Verification Support
Data Quality Management, Pipeline Integrity, VeriLine
Walnut Creek
Los Angeles
San Diego