Case StudiesGas and Electric Utilities Case Studies Data Quality ManagementField Data CollectionVeriLine

Plastic Fusion Remediation

After a significant incident, one of the largest Northeast utilities was ordered to evaluate their plastic fusion projects across their service territory and report back to the Public Service Commission on their findings, in addition to justifying the methodology of the collection, sampling, and testing plan.

Reporting Strategy Built for Speed & Quality through a Mobile Solution

In order to ensure maximum quality and speed of reporting, the utility asked Celerity to create an integrated, web-based solution to record, track and report on sampling results and to eventually accommodate the capture of cut-out specimen data in the field. Celerity worked with the utility’s QA Development Lab to leverage the VeriLine platform to capture sample information for opportunistic cut-outs, and to record visual and destructive test results in the lab. 

Results: Strategic & Regimented Business Workflows

Use of VeriLine, with its strategically designed and regimented workflows and business logic rules, eliminated multiple cumbersome paper forms; promoted electronic records capture of critical data; enabled more compliant information (e.g., traceable, verifiable, complete, and reliable records); and expedited reporting.

About Celerity

Celerity is an agile risk optimization company that helps public utility organizations convert complex data into clear, actionable intelligence to mitigate risk, optimize assets, and maximize project results.

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