Case StudiesVegetation Management Case Studies

Work Performance Verification Audit – Auditing the Auditors

Clear Path Utility Solutions was retained by a major investor-owned utility to validate work performance in critical high-fire threat areas for conformance with utility specifications and regulatory requirements.

Work Performance Verification Audit Challenges

The utility committed to regulators, state/federal officials, and community stakeholders to complete high priority vegetation management work by the end of 2019. By the end of the third quarter, work was behind schedule, so the utility brought on additional resources to assure work was performed on schedule. With resources coming in from across the US with an intense focus on schedule, there was concern quality could suffer resulting in less than desired results.  

Work Performance Verification Audit Results

In less than 4 weeks, Clear Path developed a comprehensive audit process, GIS and technical capabilities to ingest raw completion data and report real-time progress, stand-up a 14-person team of highly qualified industry professionals, and a PMO office. The target was to audit a representative sampling consisting of 535 miles in 12 weeks. Project came in on schedule and under budget.

About Celerity

Celerity is an agile risk optimization company that helps public utility organizations convert complex data into clear, actionable intelligence to mitigate risk, optimize assets, and maximize project results.

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